Sunday, March 20, 2016

The wheels are turning (Week 10)

So, I never thought it would take this long to try and fix minor issues in my teaching styles. Week 10 is over and done with. All 5 days I spent trying to perfect the way I taught my electricity class. During week 9 I had some errors that I fixed, but I knew that wasn't enough. I still had students standing around in my class while the rest were taking credit for their actions. Here are some snapshots from my week...

  • Lows: Students were still doing nothing during the class. These students are trying to wire mock bathrooms. They are broken into two teams and each has their own bathroom. There is limited work space for the amount of students enrolled in the class. I tried to give the students a "role" and become more hands off. That didn't work. 

  • High: As I sat at my desk on Wednesday pondering my thoughts, it finally clicked. I was on the right track with giving students a job, but I didn't give them the right jobs. Here, I was getting so frustrated with the students when it was the way I was facilitating it. I assigned a foreman for both teams, wire runners, and cable preparations. After day one of this, I brought it full front for the students. I asked them why we had foremans and what it was like to work for one. 
This class was finally coming together. After two full weeks of trying to perfect my facilitation, I finally got it right. It still isn't perfect, but it is much better than it was. Students even came up to me after class and said that Thursday and Friday went so much better. Most of my student teaching experience I was able to solve issues in a matter of 2-3 days. This was the first time I failed for almost 2 weeks straight. It is going to take me years to perfect my teaching, but I have came a long way thus far. 

Until next time,
Ms. Yoest

1 comment:

  1. It's great to see you seeing where you need to make adjustments and trying different things until you find what works!

