Sunday, March 6, 2016

Becoming confident in the classroom (week 8)

It is the 8th week of student teaching. The honey moon stage of teaching has come and gone. For the most part, everything is going well! The students are having fun, learning, and being very respectful. Well... except for a few students. Here are some highs and lows from student teaching.

  • Lows - I have some very disrespectful students in my classes. I have tried everything from giving them zeros to taking away the "fun" activities. I have been talking with some individuals and they have gave me some great ideas. One idea I am going to try is calling their parents, or threaten to call their parents. Keeping the parents in the loop of the child's behavior and grade in the class might help the situation.

  • Highs - I am becoming reinforcive as an instructor in my welding class. Students are starting to drag their feet because they are either never in class or always going to the nurses office. I had some individual talks with students to try and get the ball rolling. Most students it has worked on. I have been working on the courage and finding the right words when talking to students about their participation. 

I can't believe week 9 is right around the corner. We are over half way done! This week was just as much of a learning week as the others. I continue to grow as an educator and a mentor for these students and I am loving every minute of it. 

Until next week, 
Ms. Yoest


  1. A call to parents is a great way to learn more about the student and to allow parents to help on their end. You don't want to give students empty threats, so if you declare you are going to call their parents, I strongly encourage you to actually call the parents. Make sure you are utilizing your classroom management posters. Being disrespectful is probably addressed in your school's handbook as well.


  2. Erin..

    dig deeper...reflect deeply...include pictures (they do tell a tale of a 1000 words.

