Thursday, January 14, 2016

Pennsylvania Farm Show

So the day has finally come for me to be out in the field as Ms. Yoest. I began my student teaching experience at the Pennsylvania Farm Show on Monday. I stayed with Mohawk until Wednesday. The 3 days were filled with contests, award recognition, and fun moments.
Mohawk FFA Square Dance Team

I gained many thoughts while on this trip, but my lightbulb moment was during the competitions. The square dance team and the demonstration team spent hours upon hours practicing to become  a uniform team. I watched how they bonded together each day of the trip. Their practices were filled with passion and fun. I watched how the students got nervous and began talking fast, but Mr. Wallace just fixed his ball cap and cracked a joke to relieve some stress.

In all seriousness, you don't need to stress the students out over a competition. Make sure they practice, have a fun time, and don't be afraid to crack a joke here and there.

Mohawk FFA Demonstration Team 


  1. Sounds like you had a great first day as Ms. Yoest! Square dancing sounds fun and I would like to learn how to do it someday! I hope the week only got better from here!
