Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Evolving High School Education

Education is evolving through the use of technology. Today I had the opportunity to sit in on Mr. Castor's Biology 10 class and see the technology being used. He used a variety of techniques throughout the lesson as well. The main item I picked up on was the use of Google Classroom.  Here is what I picked up from him.

  • Google classroom should be used and not abused. Some teachers use it to teach the class. Instead, Mr. Castor uses it for testing students, in class questions or warm up, and giving direct feedback to student grades. This tool is changing the future of education. Seeing it being used within the classroom gets me thinking of what I can do in Ag Business Management. 
  • Address bad student behavior with those students directly. One thing I noticed was he waited until the end of class to address certain students about their behavior in class. This way, the other students were not disrupted. 
  • Facilitate learning, don't just give away information. I watched how he took his time to make sure the students were grasping the content. He asked effective questions to review the stages of mitosis. He made students learn without them even knowing it. 

This was a great classroom to observe. I learned how to utilize google classroom, addressing student behavior, and ways to facilitate learning instead of spoon feeding students. I hope to try google classroom during my student teaching experience. 


  1. We are always excited for student teachers to see effective use of technology in classrooms. Sounds like on top of some technology uses, you were also exposed to some classroom management strategies! But looking beyond teaching and classroom management strategies, were you able to make connections between the content and envision ways you could collaborate across/within disciplines? Were you able to envision ways you could incorporate biology concepts into your own classes?

    Keep stretching yourself to make connections and utilize resources across the school!


    1. Yes I definitely saw connections between content within the classes. I already made connections to borrow some digital scales to finish the inquiry lesson for tomorrow!

  2. Erin, Don't forget about talking to Diane Glock-Cornman about google classroom application to ag! She is our PSU Teach Ag! Technologiest and does great things.


  3. I am learning a little bit of google classroom, and it seems really valuable! I cant wait to check it out and see where I can utilize it in the classroom! We will have to talk and swap ideas! Hope everything is going good this first week of your OWN class!

    1. It is, but unfortunately I don't have access to the internet at Mohawk. I am working around it, but let me know how google classroom works out for you!
