Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Core of Teaching

I had the opportunity to read some amazing articles this week that taught me the principles and strategies for being an effective teacher. As many of you know, I am striving to obtain a teaching degree in agriculture. This was the first step of crossing the threshold from student to teacher. I am beginning to see what the teacher sees.

There are 16 principles that go into becoming an effective teacher. I learned from reading many more articles that these all flow together into creating the effective teacher I need to be. The following web address sends you to a journal article I found that ties these principles and characteristics together. The articles calls them the "Four Aces of Effective Teaching."

  • Ace 1: Outcomes
  • Ace 2: Clarity
  • Ace 3: Engagement
  • Ace 4: Enthusiasm

Some of these readings also talked about growth vs fixed mindset. In class, we learned that anybody has the capability of becoming a teacher, but it may take more effort for some than others. This is reiterated in the textbook reading we had about both students and teachers having these mindsets. It was also in our summer reading book of "Teach Like a Pirate."

These have given me the great start into learning how to become the most effective Agriculture Educator that I can be. These readings are a great lead into what the following week of classes have in store for me.

~Erin Yoest~

1 comment:

  1. Great Job! Try to always use specific contextually relevant examples to you, For example, what would clarity look like in your class? How do you achieve that?
